25 Dec, 2023
Lanceurs spatiaux : quelle start-up européenne gagnera la course à l’orbite ?
03 Nov, 2023
Warum ein Raketenstartplatz in Norwegen wichtig für Deutschland ist
02 Nov, 2023
Andøya Spaceport, future launch site of Isar Aerospace, opened in official ceremony with Crown Prince Haakon of Norway
26 Oct, 2023
Kicking off production and acceptance testing for Spectrum’s first-flight engines
28 Jul, 2023
German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck visits space company Isar Aerospace ahead of its first test flight
28 Mar, 2023
Isar defies space tech downturn to raise $165mn in countdown to launch
28 Mar, 2023
Isar Aerospace raises $165 million to bring more sovereign launch to Europe
28 Mar, 2023
Isar Aerospace raises $165 million as it gears up for first launch
28 Mar, 2023
Isar Aerospace sammelt 155 Millionen Euro ein und will Ende des Jahres starten